Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Present: Walker and Scott Walk, associate commissioner and Melinda Patton, county clerk.
Walk made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Walk made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 6/29/23. The motion passed.
Approved: Recorder fee report; invoice from Schraeder Law Firm; liquor license for Countryside Cinema dba the Hangar; Pizza Hut; Elks #760, caterer’s license.
Checks: #82728-82769.
Requisitions: Sheriff to Fast Case, Inc. for subscription; Assessor to Devnet for quarterly software subscription.
The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: Letter re: juvenile justice funds, sheriff inmate report for May 2023, Northwest Newsflash newsletter.
Patton submitted for review, expense/revenue report for June.
The Commission hosted the quarterly meeting for officeholders with the following in attendance: Walker, Walk, Dee O’Riley, Rex Wallace, Marilyn Jenkins, Lisa Nickerson, Elaine Wilson and Patton. Officeholders gave updates to activities and issues within their respective offices. The next quarterly meeting will be October 5, 2023.
• Patton discussed the special election for the City of Barnard in August and the process for assessed valuations.
• Wallace told the group that his office has completed the board of equalization process with no hearings set and are working on the tax values for solar. The assessor’s office does have an opening for an appraiser.
• Wilson discussed changes she has had to make to her office in dealing with the changes from the state and with the municipal court. The circuit clerk also has an opening in her office.
• O’Riley gave updates on numbers. She has 111 letters. Also working with the court to file proper documents to have the deputy public administrator cover when O’Riley is unavailable.
• Nickerson discussed the changes her office has had with the online software iCounty.
• Jenkins gave updates on the transition process switching banks and is preparing for the tax sale and upcoming audit.
• The commission discussed the status of bridge projects, the Jail Maintenance and Improvement grant, the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) grant.
Called Jason Brown Roofing to check on the status of the Administration Center roof.
Held the second reading of the Application to vacate the west .20 mile of Nodaway County CART Road #508, T64N, R36W, Section 8 in Green Township. Patton read the Order Vacating a County Road and outlined steps the Commission has taken in the process of vacating the road. Walk made a motion to vacate the above stated portion of County Road #508. The Commission asked for discussion, no public comments. Walker seconded the motion. All in favor. The west .20 mile of CART Road #508, T64N, R36W, Section 8 in Green Township is now vacated. Also present: Kirk Francis, land owner, Jerri Dearmont and Cheyenne Murphy, NWMO Regional Council of Government.
Dearmont and Murphy met with the commissioners to discuss the bid process for projects within the Jail Maintenance and Improvement Grant. Murphy will be added to the Department of Public Safety’s online reporting site. Also present: Jenkins.
A resident of Grant Township discussed Road #954 and requested the commission inspect.
John White, Union Township board member and a resident discussed Road #766. A call was put in to Brian Engle, road and bridge supervisor to get further information.
Jerry Sloan, Nodaway Township board member, discussed CART rock roads in Nodaway Township.
Walk made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.
Hunter Kelly, representing Senator Josh Hawley’s office, met with the commission to discuss the needs of Nodaway County. Discussed ARPA funds for small towns and the county. Also present: Jenkins.
Walk made a motion to adjourn until 7/11/2023.
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