Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Present: Walker, Chris Burns and Scott Walk, associate commissioners and Melinda Patton, county clerk.

Walk made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Burns made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 7/18/24. The motion passed.

Approved: Liquor license: Goff Grocery

Accounts Payable: Checks #84566-84590

Requisitions: Sheriff to Geist Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. for jail maintenance.

The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: email regarding signage requests on Ideal Road; Sunshine request from Sheriff Randy Strong regarding emails; literature from Higginbotham Insurance; legal updates; vehicle sales tax and motor fuel tax report.

Larry Jacobson, Snyder and Associates, Lonnie Wales and Zach Ford, JD Bishop Construction, all met with the commission to do a final walk-through at the Courthouse ramp for Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Grant. Reviewed and signed LPA Services Invoice No. 11 , Snyder and Associates Invoice No. 9 and LPA checklist. Also reviewed and signed JD Bishop Construction, LLC Pay Estimate No. 4 and LPA Request Letter No. 12.

Jacobson presented a letter for signature from the Department Corps of Engineers for Bridge No. 0657008.

Reviewed and signed the Notice of Award to North Central Bridge, LLC for a contract price of $700,909.29. Signed document was returned to Lindsey Chaffin, Great River Engineering.

Discussed the Missouri RSMo 57.317 with Travis Elliott, attorney with Ellis, Ellis, Hammons, and Johnson, P.C. A Sunshine request from Sheriff Randy Strong was reviewed, discussed and responded to. Also present Marilyn Jenkins, collector/treasurer.

Discussed the contract presented on July 18, 2024 by Coroner Vince Shelby. A call was put in to Marshall Wyatt, Price Funeral Home to review. Discussed outfitting a road and bridge truck as the coroner’s transport vehicle.

The commission spoke with Bill Emery, Emery Hauling, regarding CART Rock roads in Independence Township. A call was put in to Jarold Burns, township board member, to discuss the proceed order process.

Reviewed and approved a quote from Mitch Nelson, Precision Lock and Key, regarding adding a keypad lock to a door at the Administration Center.

Walk made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.

Darrell Cronk, Mayor, Joyce Cronk and Mike Wallace, Village of Arkoe council members met with the commission to discuss speeding through city limits. The commission agreed to contact MODOT to discuss options.

The commission met with Jerri Dearmont and Cheyenne Murphy, NWMO Regional Council of Governments, for updates on the Jail Maintenance and Improvement Grant progress. A change order will be needed for the lighting system, a plumber will need to be hired to get a tap installed and will need to work with the city to get water into the building for the sprinkler system. Sprinklers are set for an August 18 install. The fire alarm system has been installed. Murphy stated she had pushed the end date out another six months on the Department of Public Safety’s portal. Addendums were signed. Also present: Major Scott Wedlock and Jenkins.

Burns made a motion to adjourn until 7/25/2024.