Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker and Chris Burns, associate commissioner and Melinda Patton, county clerk.
Burns made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Burns made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 8/27/24. The motion passed.
Approved: Invoice to Northwest Missouri Region H HSRT for Region H for 2022 and 2024.
Accounts Payable: Checks #84899-84908.
The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: Extension expense report for June 2024.
A call was put in to IHP to schedule the finish work on the boiler at the Courthouse. Spoke with Matt Gaarder at Rapid Elite regarding signage for the Administration Center.
The county tax levy hearing was opened by Walker and turned over to the county clerk. Patton gave a review of the 2024 Assessed Valuation and proposed levies. Burns made a motion to accept the proposed county levy rate of 15¢ per $100 assessed valuation, Senate Bill 40 levy at 5¢ and Senior Citizens Fund levy at 5¢ per $100 assessed valuations. The motion passed. Also present: Marilyn Jenkins, collector/treasurer and Kay Wilson, Nodaway News Leader.
Brian Engle, road and bridge supervisor, gave updates on crew activity.
Engle, along with the commission, inspected and approved Road #687 in Jefferson Township. The proceed order was sent to the quarry. Inspected a new culvert on Road #971 in Grant Township and a new culvert on Road #403 in Jackson Township.
Burns made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.
Kim Mildward, Nodaway County Economic Development, discussed the historical makeup of the Courthouse lawn through the years.
Sheriff Department Captain Austin Hann discussed the downstairs office space with the commission. Hann will contact Maryville Glass and Lock to have a door-lite put into an entrance door. Staffing issues were discussed with ideas put out for consideration for filling positions.
Burns made a motion to adjourn until 9/2/2024. The motion passed.
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