Clearmont Mayor Byron Clark called the council meeting to order April 20, at the Clearmont Fire House.
City Clerk Linda Babcock read the official election results. Brenda Snodderley and Bill Harris were sworn in for the alderman positions.
Babcock reported the Missouri Rural Water Association sent the city a certificate for being a member in good standing. She also received notification of a free utility board and clerk training to be held virtually by Midwest Assist program on May 11.
The city council contacted Andereck, Evans, Figg, and Battagler, attorneys for Jack and Patty McElroy to let them know a settlement offer for their disputed water bill would be considered. The attorney felt confident the matter could be resolved but after contacting Jack McElroy the attorney reported that they declined to give any offers.
The council received correspondence regarding the American Rescue Act of 2021, The city will receive approximately $28,500 which can be used to make necessary investments in water, sewer or broadband infrastructure. The city will receive the money in two installments and is to be used by December 2024. Additional information will be obtained and the council will develop a needs assessment in regards to the funding.
The water/sewer report showed there were 193,800 gallons used and eight shut off notifications were sent out during the past month.
Faye Smith, resident, addressed the board about an overdue water bill at a rental property. The water bill was higher than normal because of a water leak. Snodderley clarified which amounts were due from the renter and what was owner responsibility. Smith asked the council for a bill reduction on the portion with the leak. The council removed sewer charges.
Water Clerk Kristy Snodderley presented the water report. She also requested a raise from her $100 monthly salary and stated she gets numerous calls at all times of the day regarding city water matters. She also suggested that the city employee who turns off the water meters should earn the shut off fee as at this time they are doing it on their own time and not getting paid. The council will consider her requests and revisit these issues next month when all council members are present.
The street maintenance report noted a pothole was repaired on North Pine. MoDOT has been contacted about the pothole on the intersection of Highway 71 and Sycamore.
The council went into closed session to discuss employment issues.
Later in open session it was decided to hire the Bragg Brothers for the city mowing contract.
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