Jonathan Eckstein, Peoples Service representative, shared his quarterly report about Clearmont’s sewer and water systems during the monthly meeting of the Clearmont City Council February 18.
Eckstein stated the water and sewer testing was within the normal perimeters. He also shared that he had learned more about the sewer pivot practices and the irrigation pumps were operated in January. He noted the DNR paperwork was corrected to 40 acres usage. He said the lagoons’ discharge happens when they become full, and recommended a valve be installed to allow a more controlled discharge. The installation would have to be engineered. The council directed Eckstein to gather bids for the job.
He reported Alliance Pumps did install the panel at the sewer system and the two pumps are not currently working. To purchase a new pump would be about $4,000, plus installation. Council approved the purchase and installation of one pump from Alliance Pumps, Kansas City. Tires also need to be replaced and Mayor Byron Clark will price-check the potential tire purchase.
Eckstein will return for his report to council in two months.
The water and street maintenance did not report.
City Clerk Linda Babcock shared news about the possible USDA grant with a report from Amber Barnes. She said there is a possible tractor loan of 35 percent of the cost at a low interest rate for a longer time period. The council would need to determine if the ideal tractor would be new or used as well as other perimeters before Barnes can search further.
Babcock also presented a financial report that included a budget review of this year. The council suggested this type of review be done monthly.
Council approved the first reading of a new ordinance which would make it a law for individuals who wish to run for a city elected office cannot owe the city any monies.
Steve Harris, resident, asked if the land survey of the alley adjoining his son’s property had been accepted by the council. Next month the council will review it for possible acceptance.
The council adjourned open session and began a closed session on the topic of personnel.
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