This Week's News

Health inspector finds food stored in chemical closets

Nodaway County Health Department Environmental Health Specialist Larry Wickersham found food stored in chemical closets, refrigeration condensation dripping on uncovered vegetables and gasoline stored in food establishments during routine inspections in December. Junction T, 19534 US Highway 71, Burlington Jct., low priority Routine inspection December 2. Critical: Slice of pizza in display case being held

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Lily debuts as 1st baby of 2017

Lily Mae Siemer was the first baby born in 2017 at SSM Health St. Francis Hospital, Maryville, staging her arrival at 8:22 am, Monday, January 2. Her proud parents are Justin and Audra Siemer, Maryville. Lily is held by her big sister, Stella, age three.

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Pickering approves budget

The Pickering City Council approved the 2017 city budget at its January 2 meeting. The budget is based on the 2016 budget plus actual expenses and income. City Clerk Milt Sovereign reviewed all 2016 financial transactions with the aldermen. Sewer service revenues were lower than in years past. Sovereign said the required Department of Natural

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Hopkins discusses levy

The Hopkins City Council discussed the possibility of adding a levy to raise funds for demolishing derelict and dangerous buildings at its January 2 meeting. The aldermen reviewed Ordinance 440 pertaining to these abandoned buildings. It was estimated that an 85¢-per-$100-valuation levy would raise approximately $30,000 per year if assessed valuations don’t decline. More information

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Maryville council discusses plans for 2017

The Maryville City Council held its regular meeting on December 28 to discuss three potential proposals for 2017. One of the ideas focused on the Campus Town Redevelopment Incentive Program (CTRIP). In 2012, Maryville created an overlay district for the residential area east of Northwest Missouri State University between Walnut and Fillmore Streets and Twelfth

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Commissioners amend present budget to cover $260,999 in additional spending

The Nodaway County Commission amended the 2017 budget to allow for the additional spending of $260,999.50 during a budget hearing on December 22. Among over-spent funds, the commissioners purchased road rock for an additional $117,492 over the budgeted amount in 2017. The additional funds came from the 1/2 cent capital improvement tax on sales tax.

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DWI Court opens for business

Associate Circuit Judge Doug Thomson recently announced that the 4th Circuit DWI Court is open and ready for business. The DWI Court, like the more familiar Drug Court, is a treatment model that gives alcohol offenders the opportunity to be rehabilitated instead of serving time in the penitentiary. This method, being tried throughout the nation,

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Todd Stagner awards Christmas parade winners

First Baptist Church, Maryville, represented by Janie Burch, won first place in the Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce Christmas Parade, December 2, with the Maryville Daily Forum, represented by Twyla Martin, taking second place. Chamber member Todd Stagner, Shelter Insurance, selected the winners and awarded $100 and $50, respectively. First Baptist Church will donate its

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Maryville offers Christmas tree disposal locations

The City of Maryville is providing two Christmas tree disposal locations this year. The first location is the City of Maryville’s Street Garage located at the corner of Second Street and North Newton Street. The second is the lower parking lot behind City Hall, 415 North Market Street. Real Christmas trees will be accepted at

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