This Week's News

GM dealer pens a business book

By Kay Wilson “To those that say small town retailers cannot compete with the internet, big box stores and big city ad blitzes, I say read this book!” Gregg Connell, Shenandoah, IA, Chamber and Industry Association executive vice president. In 2014, when General Motors dealer Doug Meyer heard several Shenandoah business owners questioning their business

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Burlington Jct. City Council discusses nuisances

The Burlington Jct. City Council discussed several nuisance complaints during its regular meeting March 13. Jon and Jill Castillo approached the council with concerns regarding loose dogs that were hanging around their property. Council approved city staff to send Roger and Connie Goff and Steven Goff a letter regarding the city’s policies on loose dogs

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Motivational life coach speaks to South Nodaway community

By Christina Rice Renowned motivational speaker and life coach Jeff Yalden inspired students and community members through his message March 8. Yalden travels the world. He has visited 48 countries and all 50 states. He speaks to teens, inspiring them to move forward in life, take advantage of opportunities that come along and help their

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EEZ discusses possible windmill developments

The Enhanced Enterprise Zone (EEZ) board met March 9 to discuss wind turbine developments in Nodaway County. According to County Assessor Rex Wallace, there are three potential wind energy companies that are competing against each other for prime location spots in Nodaway County. One of those companies has stated it is looking to invest over

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Pickering replaces sewer pump

At the Pickering City Council meeting on March 8, the aldermen approved $1,400 to be paid to White Cloud Engineering for the replacement of a recirculating pump at the sewer plant. There are six pumps and this is the second pump to be replaced in the sewer plant’s nine-year history. A company had to be

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Skidmore approves $825,000 sewer plant renovation

On March 9, the Skidmore City Council approved a proposal to upgrade and renovate the existing sewer system as presented by Paul C. Owings, Snyder and Associates, St. Joseph, at the February meeting. The proposed collection system improvements include repairing the gravity sewer pipe deficiencies, broken cleanouts, damaged manholes and the camper dump cap, requiring

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Northwest faces cuts due to budget constraints

The Missouri Academy of Science, Mathematics and Computing at Northwest Missouri State University will end operations at the conclusion of the 2017-18 academic year, university officials announced March 10. This decision and other cost-cutting maneuvers can be attributed to the continued loss of state funding over the years. This year, the university’s state allocation has

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Maryville City Council saves over $90,000

The Maryville City Council saved approximately $91,600 as they purchased several pieces of new equipment for less than their budgeted amounts during their regular meeting March 13. It was approved to purchase a Jacobson Turf Cat Mower at $17,195 for Mozingo Lake Recreation Park from Kansas Golf and Turf, Lenexa, KS, which was $8,805 under

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MPR to host summer concert series at Donaldson amphitheater

A concert in the park series will be held this summer at the Donaldson Westside Park amphitheater. MPR Director Aaron Dobson discussed plans with the Maryville Parks and Recreation Board at the regular meeting on March 2. He and Jordyn Swalley, MPR special events and marketing manager, have been working to organize the summer concert

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