
Christmas Tour 2016: Nativities

By Jacki Wood The second stop on our Christmas Tour 2016 helps us remember the true meaning of the season. There are several live nativities, productions and displays within driving distance from Nodaway County that tell the story of Jesus’ birth. Journey to Judea An interactive Christmas experience with a cast of nearly 100 people,

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Begin the holiday season by giving

After the Thanksgiving meal and shopping on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, kick off the holiday season by giving. #GivingTuesday, the global day of giving, encourages individuals to get involved in their community and help others through the gift of time, donations, goods or voice. There are several ways to give in Nodaway County. SFH

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Christmas Tour 2016: Des Moines

By Jacki Wood If you’re looking for a change to your Christmas season activities or want to create a new tradition, fill up the gas tank and head out on our Christmas Tour 2016. First stop: a short drive up north to Des Moines, IA. Christkindlmarket The first-ever German Christmas market in Des Moines, Christkindlmarket,

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Aerial photography business captures memories

By Christina Rice Burlington Jct. native Jerod Downing has launched a new business in Nodaway County, Northwest Missouri Aerial Photography. Downing uses a drone to fly above his subjects taking photos and videos. He can record footage of landscapes, property, landmarks, weddings, sporting events and real estate listings. He can also provide photos of hard-to-reach

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MPR adopts new mission statement

The Maryville Park and Recreation board adopted a new mission statement during its November 3 meeting. The statement, “we will provide experiences through parks and recreation that enrich our communities,” was presented by MPR Director Aaron Dobson who said it was created with input from the planning committee and staff. The board also approved October

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Local man tours Europe with metal band

By Christina Rice Jesse Ward, Maryville, plays guitar for the metal band Hemlock which is touring Europe for the third time. Ward, originally from Iowa, came to Maryville to attend Northwest Missouri State University and currently works at Wal-Mart. He joined Hemlock when one of the guitar players left and they had an opening. Ward

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Sisters bless community with bread, soap and prayer

By Christina Rice The Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in Clyde have been serving members of the community for many years through their altar bread and handmade soap ministries. The group originally came to Maryville from Switzerland in 1874 to teach English to German immigrant children. The sisters did not know how to speak English

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McDanel earns credentials

Maryville City Manager Greg McDanel has received credentialed manager designation from the International City/County Management Association (ICMA). McDanel is one of 1,400 local government management professionals currently credentialed through the ICMA. He had to complete numerous components in order to become credentialed. The qualifications included showing significant experience as a senior management executive in local

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Nothstine publishes first book

By Kathryn Rice Don Nothstine, Barnard, gained inspiration for his first novel, “Died Innocent,” from a tombstone in a small Arkoe cemetery inscribed with “we died inocent.” That inscription, on the tombstone of the two Talbott sons, led him to read, “Murder of Dr. Talbott” by Janet Hawley. The Talbott boys underwent the first legal

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Pride Lions announces poster contest winner

The Maryville Pride Lions Club announced the winner of its 2016-17 peace poster contest. St. Gregory’s sixth grade student and winner Gabe Baldwin, son of Jon and Kelley Baldwin, is congratulated by his teacher Betsy Nielson, Pride Lions President James Pedersen and poster chairperson Carol O’Riley. Baldwin’s poster will be submitted to the Missouri Lions

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