
Pumpkin Center Charlie’s Girl: A glimmer of hope is shining

by Kay Wilson This week’s reporting of the Mozingo Advisory Board made me smile. The smile was not generated because the board’s request for Maryville city staff to figure out a way to spend some dollars toward the purchase and placement of rip-rap along the shoreline of Mozingo Lake. However, I did find great pleasure

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Pumpkin Center Charlie’s Girl: A goal achieved on the farm

by Kay Wilson One of my parents’ goals for the farmstead, which now we own and occupy, was to have a “good-sized” pond. My folks bought the beginning acreage of the family farm in the early 1950s. They were able to add a pond within the first decade, but Dad was not happy. It was

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Pumpkin Center Charlie’s Girl: Being a staunch ‘anything’ is so hard

by Kay Wilson I am a multi-generational Republican. My grandfather and father only made one “X” on every ballot for their entire lives. My political leanings, even throughout my younger, more rebellious years, have been of the conservative, let-the-marketplace-sort-it-out type. Less government is always the best. If our churches would step up and take care

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