At the Burlington Jct. City Council January 12 meeting, Raymond James representative, Rich Bartow, Kansas City, spoke to the council concerning tax free refunding $900,000 worth of wastewater bonds.
The city presently pays 4.5 percent rate and later this fall the rate should drop considerably, possibly saving $70,000 plus. Bartow also offered the city could see a lower payment and a more level payment plan than the current plan is set on.
Citizen concerns heard from Janet and Harry Smith, Ballard Street residents, who spoke about the free range dogs. They realized there is a leash law on the books that is not being enforced. She requested the law be enforced and will provide photos of the loose dogs.
City Secretary Angie Lightner reported revenue was up for December and the year so far. The insurance for the year has been paid and half of the audit, which is completed, is also paid. She warned several membership dues will be paid in January as well as the backhoe payment. Tax revenues will arrive in January.
She noted January 19 is the final day to file for the upcoming April election.
Then she presented the council with a letter of resignation that was effective January 24. Council accepted.
A report from foreman Scott Conn was given on the water plant operations in December showing a four percent loss, distribution system, sewer operations including DNR compliance monitoring, street maintenance, new transformers being installed in the city by Evergy and 38 street signs need to be replaced at a cost of $2,071. Council approved.
A discussion was held about semi trucks parked on the streets loaded and a house that was to be torn down in November 2020 but is not completed.
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