At the June 14 Nodaway County Ambulance District, a request of $5,429 worth of rescue equipment was approved for the Maryville Rescue Squad.

The request includes two rescue harnesses, one rescue litter and one litter harness. The Maryville Rescue Squad has had 38 calls since June 1. There will also be a landing zone training on June 19 at the NCAD barn.

The West Nodaway Rescue Squad is working on times and dates for training while Tri-C will also be doing a landing zone training on June 29. There was nothing to report from the Hopkins and Jackson Township squads.

Director of Operations Bill Florea presented his report. The sales tax payment for the month was $133,696.47. Two PRN EMTs were hired: Katelyn Frisch and Daniel Lemus Sliger. Florea discussed updating and upgrading the current laptops in the ambulances. A discussion of lift assists was held, and the board asked the district to come up with policies for the lift assist service for next month’s meeting and they will consider it. There may be a possibility that the district will do a six-month trial run before implementing anything on a permanent basis.

Julie Schmitz and Alice Schieffer presented the business coordinator and accounting report. Some of the old trips have been slowly paid off. Schmitz completed her training on June 7 and 8 for certified ambulance coder re-certification, and will also be doing HIPAA compliance officer training soon. Schieffer began and completed the NAAC certified ambulance coder certification, and has begun preparing for worker’s comp audit to be held on June 28.

Training Manager Becky Mercer noted on June 8 the quarterly CPR was held with five students. On June 15, an advisor committee meeting was held as well.

Medicaid and Medicare adjustments were approved at $11,497,45, while invoices to be sent for collections were approved at $9,570.21.

The board then went into closed session to for personnel evaluations. Back in open session, the evaluations for Michael Mercer, Don Noland, Bill Florea, Timaley Rich and Bobbi Sprague