The Nodaway County Ambulance District board approved to provide an agreement with the City of Skidmore to provide a rescue squad during its May 11 meeting.
Kenny Shewey was present to discuss the possibility with the board. He said they have 12 volunteers and a few more interested if a truck were there, and the City of Skidmore would apply for grants to help build a new building to house it.
Discussion was held about the two squads that would be available, one for Maryville and one for Skidmore. There is a generator and Omni tools in the one unit that would go to Skidmore as well as a LUCAS device. The other supplies needed would be $400 to $500.
In the treasurer’s report, it was noted there are extra funds in the money market account that would cover the new rescue truck and the liability for LAGERS.
In other business, the board approved to purchase five new Lifepak 15 defibrillators for $100,203.25 which includes software.
Director Bill Florea asked the board to consider adjusting the training manager’s and assistant manager’s wages. The board approved to increase the training manager’s salary by $2 per hour and the assistant manager’s by $4 per hour.
Florea also asked the board to adjust wages for EMTs and paramedics for their years of service. The board approved 20¢ per hour per year of service.
The board approved the other following items: the April minutes; the bills to be paid; Medicaid/Medicare adjustments in the amount of $6,276.27; collections to be sent in the amount of $9,709.26.
Director of operations: the sales tax payment for the month was $97,989.48 which is an increase of 5.37 percent from the previous year; the new rescue truck is in Kansas City at the rail yard, and they will give a three-day notice before delivering; Brittney McIntyre was hired as a full-time EMT and Nicholas Morse and Melody Reese have been hired as part-time EMTs.
Also during Florea’s report, the PTO program was discussed again and it was decided that Mary Beth Shipps, Rick Allen and Carrie Sparks would form a committee to figure out the possible new program and Business Manager LaRee Lager will assist. Shipps will speak with the auditor to ask for guidance, and they will bring information back to the next meeting.
Business manager: the accounts receivable report between ESO and Peachtree is now $380.13; the GEMT payment of $40,189.99 was delivered which was less the amount owed from 2018; the Medicare Revalidation will be postponed for at least one year due to COVID; the two percent sequestration will be in full effect July 1 which was put on hold during COVID and will increase the write-off amounts for Medicare.
Training manager: the LUCAS devices and new splints have been delivered and there was a class at the employee meeting; they will go to the rescue squads in the next two months with classes being given there as well; the quarterly CPR class is June 9.
The board approved to enter closed session for the purpose of personnel. They re-entered open session and approved to grant Patrick Greife an 18¢ per hour merit raise and a $737.50 performance incentive, to grant Kim Campbell a 23¢ per hour merit raise and a performance incentive of $1,000 and to grant Alicia Reeves an 18¢ per hour merit raise and a performance incentive of $675.
The next regular meeting will be June 8.
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