The 10th year anniversary of the Old Defiance Days and Rodeo will be held Friday, June 21, Saturday, June 22 and Sunday, June 23 in Sheridan.
Both Friday and Saturday evenings the Two County Dusters will perform a horseback tribute to America; plus there will be nine championship events during the rodeo.
Friday’s schedule will include the Little Mr. and Miss Contest at the park, 6 pm; and the rodeo at 7:30 pm. Costs for the rodeo are $10 for adults, $5 for ages five to 12 and free for ages four and under. Curtis Wayne Stroud, 9 pm until 1 am will perform at the rodeo grounds.
Saturday’s schedule includes: breakfast at the Community Hall, 8 am; flag raising in the park, 9:30 am; parade, 10:30 am, line up at the school house at 10:15 am; Double E Memorial Box auction, 10:45 am; lunch in Community Hall, 11 am to 1 pm; dessert contest under shelter house, 11:15 am; baby show at 11:30 am; volleyball tournament, 11 am; Worth County FFA pedal pull, noon; Barbwire, 12:30 pm; corn hole tournament, 1 pm, Farmhouse Creations painting, 1-3 pm; three on three basketball tourney, 2 pm; shark races, 3 pm; mutton bustin at arena, 7:30 pm; rodeo, 7:30 pm. Inflatables will be available for children all day.
Sunday has the High Road Country Band, 7 pm at the Sheridan Park.
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