Enrollment for the 2016-2017 Missouri 4-H year begins October 1.
Families may enroll online at mo.4honline.com, or visit the University of Missouri Extension Office located in the County Administration Building, Maryville.
Based on the child’s age as of December 31, 2016, youth ages 8-18 may enroll in the 4-H program and youth ages 5-7 may enroll in the 4-H Clover Kids program. Once enrolled, members are connected with a 4-H club which holds monthly meetings. Adult volunteers serve as club leaders. Club members elect youth officers, plan educational programs and participate in community service learning.
Within 4-H, members enroll in projects taught by adult volunteers. The goal of each project is for the youth to complete six hours of instruction during the 4-H year.
Projects offered include: aerospace, arts and crafts, computers and programming, entomology, entrepreneurship, filmmaking, financial champions, gardening, global education, health and fitness, horticulture, leadership, livestock projects, outdoor adventures, pets, photography, public speaking, quilting, robotics, shooting sports, small engines, theatre arts, veterinary science and woodworking.
Each year, Nodaway County maintains an enrollment of approximately 185 youth members and 60 adult volunteer leaders. Nodaway County has eight active 4-H community clubs: Burlington Jct. Lucky Shamrocks 4-H Club, Leader Tom Linville; Busy Bee 4-H Club, Barnard and Guilford, Leaders Becky Swinford and Misty Langford; Graham 4-H Club, Graham, Maitland and Skidmore, Leader Michelle Allen; Jefferson 4-H Club, Conception, Conception Jct. and Clyde, Leaders Kara Hauber, Amy Holtman and Jennifer Meyer; Maryville 4-H Club, Maryville, Leaders Terri Lager and Belinda Hess; Mount Tabor 4-H Club, Elmo, Leader Kelli Wilmes; North Nodaway 4-H Club, Hopkins and Pickering, Leaders Heather Hoepker and Melissa Chestnut; and Northeast Nodaway Bluejays 4-H Club, Ravenwood and Parnell, Leader Dana Auffert.
Nodaway County 4-H Clubs are governed by the Nodaway County 4-H Council. Council officers are: President Auffert, Northeast Nodaway Bluejays 4-H Club; Vice-President Allen, Graham 4-H Club; Co-Secretaries Swinford and Langford, Busy Bee 4-H Club; and Treasurer Lager, Maryville 4-H Club.
Highlights of the Nodaway County 4-H year include National 4-H Week celebrations, club and family activities, project meetings, arts and crafts day, livestock project weigh days, Show Me Quality Assurance livestock project certification, shooting sports safety clinic, regional shooting sports contests, regional summer youth camps, regional summer float trip, teen conferences on MU campus, Achievement Day, 4-H/FFA livestock show and sale, state contests and building exhibit and livestock show participation at the Missouri State Fair.
For more information, contact Annette Deering, 4-H youth development specialist, at the University of Missouri Extension Office of Nodaway County, 660.582.8101, or email DeeringA@missouri.edu. Families may also visit 4h.missouri.edu or extension.missouri.edu/nodaway.
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