Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker, Chris Burns and Scott Walk, associate commissioners and Melinda Patton, county clerk.

Walk made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Walk made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 8/17/23. The motion passed.

Approved: Liquor license for Skidmore Fire Protection District, a temporary license for Graham Street Fair; invoices to SAM, LLC and Snyder & Associates for softmatch Bridges #0222000, #1020007 and #1034003.

Checks: #83005-83030.

Requisitions: Sheriff to Falls City Mercantile and Hy-Vee for inmate food and supplies for September 2023; to Maryville Typewriter Exchange (MTE) for equipment; road and bridge to Northwest Implement for equipment.

The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: MoDOT Availability Study through email, Missouri Association of Counties (MAC) SB 190 information through email.

Floors will be taken care of this weekend beginning on August 25. Spoke with Andrew Tuck Pointing regarding the Courthouse. An appointment time was set for at 9 am, Tuesday, August 29 to look at the Courthouse.

Larry Jacobson, Snyder & Associates, stopped in for signatures on Railroad Property Certification and Utility Certification for the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Grant #9900(144); Supplemental Amendment No. 1 for BRO-074(64) and BRO-974(65) contract agreement.

Lawn mower bid opening were received: Maryville Outdoors at $11,199.20 for a Country Clipper Charger 25.5 Kawasaki FX801V; Northwest Implement at $6,916.02 for 2023 Hustler FasTrak 54” Kawasaki FT691 (22HP) model 941732 and AG Power at $10,100 for a John the Deere Z930M ZTrak 54” side deck. Walk made a motion to accept Northwest Implement, as presented as the low bid. All were in favor. A call was put in to Northwest Implement to set up a time to pick up the equipment. Also present: Brian Engle, road and bridge supervisor.

Reviewed and signed an agreement for Opioid Contingent Fee Application with Opioid Teva/Allergan Settlement.

Sheriff’s department Major Scott Wedlock met with the commission to discuss a couple of requisitions.

The commission, along with Engle, inspected Roads #602, #1053 and #1054 in Polk Township; #652 in Jackson Township and #946 and #951 in Grant Township.

Burns made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.

Nate Blackford and Amy Derr, Mosaic Medical Center – Maryville and Brian Rose, Gallagher Benefit Agency, met with the commission to discuss county insurance. Also present: Engle, Marilyn Jenkins, collector/treasurer and Rex Wallace, assessor.

A message was left for Greg McDanel, City of Maryville manager, regarding the status of the 911 Oversight Committee Memorandum of Understanding (MOU.)

Spoke with a Union Township landowner regarding road conditions on 160th Street.

Spoke with Jim Farnan, Grant Township trustee regarding Road #951 and #946.

Burns made a motion to adjourn until 8/24/2023. The motion passed.