At the August 7 Hopkins City Council meeting, the aldermen went into closed session at the end of the open session.

During the session, personnel matters were discussed as well as the alderman vacancy.

Coming back into open session, the people wanting the position were Bryson Allen, Rusty Anderson and Kelly Morrison. After more discussion, it was motioned to have Allen fill the position. This was passed unanimously.

City Clerk Theodore Phipps requested permission to pay August expenses of IRS tax payment, MO Lagers payment and United Electric payment. This was approved.

The decision to purchase a new city truck was made at the February 13 city council meeting. It was decided to not cash out a CD for the purchase of the truck  that Chris Bird priced and not purchase the truck.

The aldermen returned to the discussion of the financial audit for the city of Hopkins. Phipps was asked to reach out and get a correct updated bid for the financial audit by Becker Accounting LLC, Eveleth, MN. The aldermen agreed to an amount no greater than $10,000 for the audit.