Nodaway County South District Commissioner Bob Stiens enjoyed his last day on the job, December 31, with family, friends and county employees at his retirement reception.
Family who joined Stiens were, front: Eliza Holtman, Waverly Groomer, Marissa Holtman, Hyatt Groomer; middle: Mylie Holtman, Hudson Groomer, Joyce Stiens, Bob Stiens, Kary Stiens, Abbie Groomer, Nick Groomer; back: Ethan Holtman, David Holtman, Amy Holtman, Cory Stiens and Terry Stiens.
Stiens was appointed by the governor as commissioner February 20, 2004. He was elected to the position in the next election and reelected every four years since then. He plans to spend his retirement “probably relaxing, traveling a little bit” and farming with his cattle operation.
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