The South Nodaway R-IV Board of Education met in open and closed sessions on February 15 to take care of the following school district business:
Game Time Athletics, Weston, was selected to do the baseball field for the Guilford Sports Complex. The work is to be done in 90 days from the start of the project and will cost $65,350.
Three other bid proposals were received: Nemaha Landscape Construction, Lincoln, NE, $131,900 and 90 days; Jeff Barnes Ozark Ballfields, Centerton, AR, $58,000 and 25 days; and Precision Construction and Contracting, Lone Jack, $131,325 and 25 days. Precision was not a qualified bid as no references or insurance information was given.
After discussion, Game Time Athletics was chosen based on the company’s experience and availability.
Because the school district has extra funds from railroad and utility taxes this year, $162,321 was transferred from Fund 1 to Fund 4 to pay for the Guilford project.
Other progress on the Guilford project includes scheduling the walls to be poured for the concession/storage/storm shelter building. Estimates on roof costs, electrical options, parking lighting and graveling are to be attained next.
The Greater Southern Nodaway County Community Foundation is working on two small grants and the Rickard Trust grant. The small grants would be used toward a scoreboard. Fundraisers are being planned for aluminum bleachers.
After the principal evaluations were discussed in closed session, the board approved extending the contracts of Aaron Murphy and Darbi Bauman through the 2018-19 school year.
May 17 will be the make up day for the earlier missed school day. It will also be the last school day for the 2016-17 school year. The 2017-18 school year calendar was approved.
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