The South Nodaway R-IV Board of Education met in open session on July 19 to discuss and handle the following school district business:
The Guilford Sports Complex was reviewed and the only bid from Meyer Fencing was approved for $32,383.42. Superintendent Johnnie Silkett said he was pleased with the bid as the company added additional support in the fence.
The height of the backstop will be 20 feet with an overhang. Silkett had looked at a 30-foot backstop, but it would cost an additional $10,000. Meyer is going to start the project at the end of August or beginning of September.
There was no news about the grant for the scoreboard. Silkett plans to apply for a Rickard Trust Grant to help with the lights for the field.
He has found a company in Wisconsin that can supply the necessary lights on wood poles for $68,000 or on medal poles for $92,000. The plan is to have the lights ready for 2018 summer ball. The lights won’t be needed for 2018 spring baseball, which will be played on the field.
Only one bid was received for each of the commodity bids. They are as follows:
Anderson Erickson’s bid for milk was half-pint, one-percent milk, .2589, and half-pint chocolate and strawberry skim milk, .2630 each.
Porter Trash Service’s bid was one, eight-yard trash receptacle for $150 per month.
McPike Oil Company’s bid was 12¢ over daily rack costs for gasoline and diesel, with two 500-gallon fuel tanks and pumps provided. This does not include the state road tax of 17¢ per gallon.
Substitute teacher pay was raised to $85 per day for regular subs and $90 per day for long-term subs.
Cross country coach Michael Barbosa and junior high girls basketball coach Amy Holtman resigned as extra duty coaches. Julie McConkey was hired as the cross country coach.
The board approved the final 2016-17 budget. There was a $1,282,476.57 carryover to the 2017-18 budget.
An investment interest comparison was made. In 2012-13, the school made $1,633.31; in 2016-17, the amount was $8,099.45. Silkett looked at other investment opportunities, but informed the board that the current CD was the best option for the district.
Lunch prices were increased by 10¢ to comply with state regulations. Elementary lunch will be $2.25 and high school lunch will be $2.50. Adult prices will remain at $4.56, with the board supplementing the difference between the high school price and the $4.56.
Expenses versus revenue were compared with the school lunch program over the past four school years. The program has gone from a deficit of $48,182 in 2013-14 to a deficit of $14,238 in 2016-17. More families are taking advantage of breakfast and the free and reduced meals program, which helps the revenue flow. Expenses have also gone down over the past four years. Silkett said that a negative $15,000-$20,000 balance is sustainable for the school lunch program.
The 2017-18 athletic gate prices will remain the same. Adults are $4; students are $3 and preschool is free. A family pass is $75 and a single pass is $40.
The 2018 tax rate hearing is set for 7 pm, Wednesday, August 16 with the regular board meeting to follow.
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