The South Nodaway R-IV Board of Education met in open and closed sessions on April 16 to handle the following school district business:
A lease contract with 1 Source Towers, LLC, FL, was approved to place a cell tower on the northwest corner of the Guilford Sports Complex. The lease is for five years, renewable up to 10 times. The school district will receive $6,600 the first year, with a two percent increase each following year. The monthly installments of $550 will be used for operational expenses at the GSC.
The district will use the NWEA® assessment starting in 2018-19. This program assesses what students are ready to learn in English, math and science and is given three times a year. It also highlights areas of concern and can point out dyslexia.
According to the NWEA® website, it “is a research-based, not-for-profit organization that supports students and educators worldwide by creating assessment solutions that precisely measure growth and proficiency—and provide insights to help tailor instruction. For 40 years, NWEA® has developed Pre-K–12 assessments and professional learning offerings to help advance all students along their optimal learning paths. Our tools are trusted by educators in 145 countries and more than half the schools in the US.”
The assessment will replace two other tests currently being used. SN is joining with Nodaway-Holt, Fairfax and Tarkio through Rural Advocates to divide the cost of $4,320 a year between the four districts.
After review of web services, SN has elected to stay with the current provider, Simplified Online Communication System (SOCS), KS. SOCS is a not-for-profit company which provides web services for schools in Missouri and Kansas. For an additional $100 per year, the website will be mobile compatible, SN will have an app and notifications will be more uniform and faster.
The board approved the non-election results. Re-elected members Macia Kemper and Brian Flora were sworn in. The board was reorganized with Kemper as president, Janet Hilsabeck as vice-president and Rick Holtman as the MSBA delegate. Brandy Wolf remains as board secretary and Sonya Buckles as treasurer.
After the closed session, the board moved into open session to approve the extra duty contract for Aaron Murphy as head girls basketball and head baseball coach. All other extra duty contracts for 2018-19, which have not changed from the current school year, were approved.
Summer student workers Michael Burke, Haley Nielson and Kaylin LaMaster were hired. Brooklyn Bennett was also approved with board member Debbie Bennett abstaining from the vote.
Renee Turpin’s contract was adjusted to extend seven days instead of 15.
Wolf will take over the MOSIS reporting for the 2018-19 school year. This had previously been done by Turpin. Turpin will teach an additional class instead of doing the reporting. All data generated by SN is reported to the state of Missouri through MOSIS. Because of the increase in duties and responsibilities, Wolf has been moved to a salaried position.
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