Colonel Eric T. Olson, superintendent of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, would like the public to be aware the upcoming solar eclipse may affect driver examination skills testing times.
The solar eclipse in Missouri is expected to begin at approximately 12:35 pm, April 8 and reach a total eclipse at 1:55 pm in most areas. The eclipse will be complete and end at approximately 3:14 pm, April 8.
Some areas of Missouri will experience a total solar eclipse, while all areas of the state will experience a partial eclipse. It is expected that interest in the solar eclipse will increase both vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Drivers who wish to take a skills test on April 8, should be aware that driver examination stations may suspend testing during the solar eclipse in the interest of safety. Driver examination stations will post signs at locations open April 8, announcing any temporary suspension of testing. Applicants who currently have a scheduled appointment during the eclipse will be contacted and given the opportunity to reschedule.
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