The Skidmore City Council met on June 7 and 11 to study current policies and ordinances plus other city business.
The June 7 meeting concerned the review, revision and adoption of policies and ordinances. Adopted were the Wildcat Memorial Park Policy, Newton Hall Policy and Brush Pile Policy.
Ordinances approved were #2020 Disturbing the Peace to replace Ordinance #74; #2020 Junkyard to replace #2008-JY; #2020 Cemeteries to replace #2005 HC; #2020 Alderman to replace #BOA; and #2020 Mayor to replace #2017 Mayor.
The policies and ordinances are available to read at city hall and will be posted on the City of Skidmore website when it goes online.
It was decided the city will no longer accept cash payments for utilities.
At the June 11 meeting, newly elected aldermen, Robert Manning and Teresa Carter, newly elected mayor, Sandy Wright, and appointed alderman, Rana Killingsworth were sworn in. Killingsworth is completing Wright’s alderman term. She was approved as mayor pro-tem.
The council approved paying for additional trash receptacles for the week of July 20-27 for a summer city-wide clean-up. It is hoped citizens will take advantage and clean-up the city before the Punkin Show which will be held Friday, July 31 and Saturday, August 1.
A liquor license was approved for Good Time Charlie’s Restaurant.
Applications for grants from the Taylor Trust and the Messick Trust have been made. Community Betterment has also applied for the grants to use on the museum.
Work has been continuing on the Depot Museum. A committee has been formed consisting of Wright, Carter, Cheryl Huston, Cindy Kenny, Fran Harbin and Chase Morrow to work on the renovation of the museum. The city has established a separate account for museum monies. So far, the city has received a $1,000 and a $50 donation. Plans are in the works to put a chain link fence around the museum.
Andy Woods has been named as the code enforcer for the city and a warning letter will be sent to property owners first for violations. The council is still working on the nuisance ordinance. Once it is completed, a list of properties in violation will be made and letters sent.
Decorations at the cemetery will need to be picked up within seven days after Memorial Day or city employees will clear to allow easier mowing.
Skidmore Community Betterment is having a paint the water plant day on Saturday, June 27. Repairs to the building will be completed before hand. Wright is planning to buy approximately $600 worth of paint for the project.
At the end of the meeting, Wright announced the council would go into closed session. However, this information was not on the June 11 meeting agenda. Under advisement from the city attorney, Miles Figg, the council instead ended the meeting.
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