The Skidmore City Council made decisions on employee benefits and compensation during the January 10 meeting.
These decisions affected Maintenance Employee Marvin Sumy and City Clerk Laura Stark, who has completed her probationary period. Because of her part-time status, the council approved 20 hours each of vacation and sick leave to be awarded January 1 of each year.
Also approved were four hours of holiday pay for New Year’s, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Stark received the Christmas and New Year’s Day holiday pay, as her probation ended the first of December.
Stark makes at least one trip to Maryville each week for banking and supplies. The council reviewed the mileage compensation and decided to pay the state rate of 37¢ per mile instead of the higher federal mileage rate.
The council capped vacation leave carryover at 96 hours and sick leave at 120 hours for both Stark and Sumy. The council agreed to allow Sumy to keep his current carryover leave.
The other item passed concerned any city employee who leaves employment by giving two weeks’ notice and works those two weeks will be paid all remaining vacation leave. If the employee quits without notice, they will be compensated for half of their vacation. No payout of accrued sick leave will be made.
Questions were brought up on the Aflac billing. At least two aldermen have coverage through the city. Both Rick Allen and Tim Slagle were confused how they were to pay for the insurance coverage. Stark will be directed to contact the agent for clarification.
It was agreed to pay Andy Woods $30 per month for the water storage tank which sits on his property. The city is in the process of moving the tank onto city property and will pay him for the months since his request until the tank is finally moved.
A question was raised on the ownership of the ground where the holding pond for the sewer system used to be. The contractor who did the pond removal hasn’t completed the job. Sumy raised questions on whether the contractor had been paid and when the project was to be completed.
Discussion was held on the streets and right-a-ways. The city will look into the right-a-way question along with getting gravel and cold mix to be used when the weather improves.
The council will look at increasing sewer rates at the February meeting. Increased rates will be needed to pay for the upcoming sewer project, and rather than hit citizens with a large rate increase at the project’s completion, the council wants to increase the rate in increments.
The city received a complaint from Community Services about a street blocked by Skidmore resident Rick Stanton. Also, Stanton has put up two pole lights on one of his properties. The council wanted to reassure Skidmore citizens the city isn’t paying the electric bills on those lights.
The council went into closed session to discuss legal matters.
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