The Skidmore City Council decided on the funding route the city is going to take on the upcoming sewer renewal project during the September 21 meeting.
Paul Owings, Snyder and Associates, presented information on the two funding options open to the city. The city is eligible for a $500,000 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) through the Missouri Department of Economic Development, leaving $673,279 which can be financed through either a United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development (USDA-RD) loan or a State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan.
Jackie Spainhower, Northwest Missouri Regional Council of Governments, told the council that the city might qualify for USDA grants if the city chose the USDA-RD loan bringing down the loan amount. However, grant funds are drying up and USDA is pushing for loan only projects, she said.
The USDA-RD loan was quoted at 2.625 percent for a 35-year loan. The SRF loan was quoted at 1.4 percent for a 20-year loan. Owings used 139 households to figure the projected average monthly user rate. Under the USDA-RD loan, the amount would be $43.12; under the SRF, it would be $46.71.
These projected user rates include debt repayment, project operation, maintenance costs and reserve expenses. The aldermen decided that the cost to the city and residents would be considerably less to go with the SRF loan which will be repaid within 20 years, although the monthly cost for those 20 years will be slightly more.
The signed paperwork was submitted to the state the week of September 25. The next step is an environmental review, which will need to be competitively bid following the city’s procurement policy. This review will need to be completed before the final loan proposal is approved.
Resident Leona Hayes spoke to the council about a junk yard and farming on Wallace McGinnis, her neighbor’s property. She also wants the council to close Willow Street between the two properties.
The council informed Hayes that McGinnis could farm within city limits. City Clerk Jennifer Poland was directed to send a letter to McGinnis informing him he needs to have a permit and fence the junkyard.
On closing Willow Street, both property owners have to agree to the street closure and then the property would be divided between the two. Hayes thought the entire amount would be added to her property.
Two bids were examined for the replacement of the city hall sidewalk. The aldermen approved the $4,983 bid from Schueth Concrete, Mound City.
A new water meter was installed at the water plant making it easier for Water/Waste Water Maintenance Operator Marvin Sumy to read.
Letters will be sent to property owners along Orchard Street about trimming low hanging branches.
Sumy is dealing with a processed water leak in the sewer. The council approved the replacement of pipe to find and fix the leak.
Two readings were made on the procurement policy for the city which was approved. The city treasurer ordinance was tabled until the October 19 city council meeting.
Discussion was held on trading lawn mowers. The aldermen decided not to at this time because the need for a truck is more pressing.
Poland reported that there were only two outstanding water bills for the month. Both residents have made arrangements to pay.
Discussion was held on streets, with Poland directed to contact Vance Brothers, Savannah, and to inquire about costs and availability with other street paving companies.
Sumy said that street prep work is needed to keep rain water from running down the middle of streets. The council would like to prep several streets, if possible, instead of just one.
The old city hall building is still being cleaned out, with Mayor Tracy Shewey planning to work on it.
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