The quarterly SB40 meeting, October 10, was held at NOCOMO Industries with workshop manager Jason Auffert and NOCOMO Board Members Debra Hull and Shirley Heideman attending.

A correction was made to the July 11 SB40 meeting minutes changing Client F to Client J in the applications sections.

Treasurer Jeanette Schieber reported the SB40 balance was $81,120.15.

Auffert reported there are currently 21 certified workers and he is in the process of recruiting several more. He is networking to gain more business opportunities for the workers since the Deluxe closing and the Kawasaki slow down. During the downtime caused by this, all staff and certified workers have been cleaning the facility and grounds. Some painting has also taken place.

New LED lighting has been installed in the breakroom one production area. There are plans to install in other parts. During “toolbox talks,” Auffert discussed safety topics with the employees. He believes the certified employees are enjoying themselves and want to be at the workshop.

With the new fiscal year which started July 1, all certified workers received a pay raise with the workers earning at least the Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. The pay range is $7.35 to $12 an hour. Because this is hourly pay, Auffert has redirected a non-certified worker from keeping track of production work to other duties.

Auffert conducted a tour of the facility.

In closed session, new applications and client updates were discussed. SB40 applications for consideration were discussed.

Moving back into open session, the board approved reimbursing Client L who met SB40 requirements up to $125 per trip for medical-related transportation expenses to Kansas City and $25 per day for expenses associated with the client’s hospital stay, accruing up to $5000.

Client M, who also met SB40 requirements, was approved for up to $1,000 toward the purchase of a bicycle, enabling more independence and promoting self-care.

The next SB40 meeting will be held at 6 pm, January 9, 2024 at NOCOMO Industries, 319 South Newton Street, Maryville.