North Nodaway 5
Stewartsville 1
first place game
August 26 at NEN Tourney
Mustang stats: Keagan O’Riley hit a double, had two RBIs and a run and pitched six strikeouts; Shai Dailey and MaKayla Cross each hit a double and had a run; Ashley Thompson had a hit, an RBI and a run; Audrey Trimble had a hit and an RBI; Kristin Herndon had an RBI; Kandace Damgar had a stolen base; Emma Hart had a run.

Northeast Nodaway 15
Stewartsville 3
2nd place game
August 26 at NEN Tourney

Maryville 14
Worth Co 4
August 28 at Grant City
Spoofhound stats: Jacklyn Hersh hit a home run and a single, had three RBIs, three runs and two stolen bases; Ashlyn Alexander hit a double and a single, had two RBIs, three runs, two stolen bases and pitched four strikeouts; Emma Baldwin hit a double, had two RBIs, two runs and two stolen bases; Briley Watkins had two runs and two stolen bases; Morgan Wray had a hit and a run; Riley Gray, Summer Swalley and Jessica Finch each had a run.

Northeast Nodaway 3
North Andrew 13
August 28 at Rosendale
Bluejay stats: Madelynn Mattson hit a triple and had a run; Maggie Schmitz had a run and pitched five strikeouts; MaKayla Adwell had a hit and a run; Paige West had a hit.

North Nodaway 6
Plattsburg 12
August 28 at home
Mustang stats: MaKayla Cross hit a home run, two doubles and had three RBIs and three runs; Shai Dailey had four hits, three runs and a stolen base; Ashley Thompson hit a double and had two RBIs; Keagan O’Riley had an RBI and pitched six strikeouts; Kristin Herndon and Audrey Trimble each had a hit and a stolen base; Emma Hart had a hit.

Platte Valley 15
Stewartsville 0
August 29 at home
Eagle stats: Josie hit a home run and a double, had four RBIs and two runs; Stephanie Chor hit a double and two singles, had four RBIs and three runs; Malia Collins hit a double and a single, had an RBI and three runs; Kaylin LaMaster had four RBIs and a run; Amber White had a hit, an RBI and two runs; Mikayla Mattson had a hit and a run; Vanessa Pappert had an RBI and a run; Ashley Mattson and Jessie Miller each had a run.

Maryville 2
Cameron 16
August 29 at home
Spoofhound stats: Jacklyn Hersh hit a double and a single, had an RBI, a stolen base and a run; Blake Springer hit a double and a single; Emma Baldwin had a hit and a run.

North Nodaway 5
DeKalb 7
August 29 at home
Mustang stats: Ashley Thompson hit a double and a single and had two RBIs and a run; Shai Dailey hit a double and two singles and had two runs; MaKayla Cross hit a double and a single and had an RBI; Keagan O’Riley had a run and pitched eight strikeouts; Emma Hart had a hit and an RBI; Taylor Combs had a hit; Kandace Damgar had a run.

Maryville 9
Lafayette 0
August 24 at Lafayette
Spoofhound stats: TJ Oglesby won 8-0; Emma Webb-Kirkpatrick won 8-0; Cayren Barnett won 8-0; Morgan Goodridge won 8-0; Addison Hall won 8-0; Hannah Hawthorne won 8-0; Oglesby/Goodridge won 8-0; Webb-Kirkpatrick/Barnett won 8-0; Hall/Kamryn Gastler won 8-0.

Maryville 7
Savannah 2
August 29 at Savannah
Spoofhound stats: TJ Oglesby won 9-8 (8-6); Emma Webb-Kirkpatrick won 8-4; Cayren Barnett won 8-2; Addison Hall won 8-4; Hannah Hawthorne won 8-5; Oglesby/Goodridge won 8-5 ; Hall/Kamryn Gastler won 8-5.

Maryville 2
South Harrison 0
(25-2, 25-2)
August 24 at Bethany
Spoofhound stats: Set 1 – Leah Maass had 11 aces; Set 2 – Maass had eight aces and Abby Loe had two aces.

Nodaway-Holt 0
(13-25, 16-25 pool play)
August 24 at EA Tourney
Trojan stats: Amanda Bohannon had three aces, two assists, a hit and a dig; Breanna Day had two hits, two digs, an ace and an assist; Shaina Culp had three digs, two aces and a hit.

Nodaway-Holt 0
East Atchison 2
(16-25, 27-29 pool play)
August 24 at EA Tourney
Trojan stats: Amanda Bohannon had six hits, six assists, an ace and a dig; Breanna Day had five hits, four assists, two digs and an ace; Shaina Culp had three aces, two hits and a dig; Krista Hart had three digs and an ace; Kailey Miller had two digs; Halle Clement had a hit.

Nodaway-Holt 0
Rock Port 2
(16-25, 21-25 pool play)
August 24 at EA Tourney
Trojan stats: Breanna Day had three hits, two aces, a dig and an assist; Amanda Bohannon had four assists, a hit and a dig; Shaina Culp and Halle Clement each had a hit, a dig and an ace; Kailey Miller and Sidney Leeper each had a hit and a dig.

Nodaway-Holt 0
Benton 2
(8-25, 12-25)
August 26 at EA Tourney
Trojan stats: Amanda Bohannon had two assists, two aces, a hit and a dig; Breanna Day had two assists, an ace and a hit; Shaina Culp had two digs and a hit; Sidney Leeper had two hits and a dig; Krista Hart had two aces; Kailey Miller had an assist; Halle Clement had a dig.

Nodaway-Holt 0
South Holt 2
(20-25, 22-25)
August 26 at EA Tourney
Trojan stats: Breanna Day had seven hits, three aces, two assists and a dig; Amanda Bohannon had seven assists, two hits and a dig; Kailey Miller had three hits and two digs; Shaina Culp had four hits and a dig; Sidney Leeper had three digs; Halle Clement had two digs.

Maryville 2
Benton 0
(25-20, 25-12)
August 28 at Benton
Spoofhound stats:
Set 1 – Haley Akins had five digs; Abby Pitts had three assists; Leah Maass had two kills; Macey Loe had two aces; Set 2 – Abby Loe had six digs and three aces; Maass had four kills; Pitts had four assists; Serena Sundell had three kills.

West Nodaway 2
Union Star 0
(25-9, 25-18)
August 29 at home
Rocket stats: Brittney McIntyre had eight aces; Alissa Nelson had two kills; Olivia Miller had two assists.

Nodaway-Holt 0
West Platte 2
(7-25, 15-25)
August 29 at home
Trojan stats: Amanda Bohannon had four digs, a hit and an assist; Breanna Day had a hit, a dig, an ace and an assist; Kailey Miller had two assists, a hit and a dig; Shaina Culp had two digs; Halle Clement and Sidney Leeper each had a dig; Krista Hart had an ace.

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