It was announced at the December 4 Pickering City Council meeting that Mid-America Road Builders, Platte City, was able to patch potholes on city streets.
The company used the city’s previously purchased cold patch mix which should keep project costs down. This will also help the streets to weather better during the winter months.
The council approved the bid from the city’s current insurance carrier. The cost for the $2 million liability and property insurance was $17 a year higher. The council approved adding terrorism insurance for $2 more per year.
Filing dates have been announced for the April 3, 2018, election. The positions of mayor and two aldermen are up for election. City residents interested in these positions are urged to file at the city clerk’s residence from 8 am to 4:30 pm, Tuesday, December 12 until Tuesday, January 16, 2018.
The bond for the city clerk was approved.
Alderman Kevin Leedom inquired if the township grader would be doing snow removal for the city. Other aldermen were under the impression that the grader already covered the bus routes which would be most of the city. Mayor Charles Smith will check into it.
City Clerk Milt Sovereign informed the mayor and aldermen of three duties he must perform in the next couple of months.
He has received correspondence from the census bureau wanting to know if the city boundaries have changed since the 2010 census.
The Missouri State Auditor requires that Pickering financial records be filed after the completion of the fiscal year ending December 31.
The US Department of Commerce through the US Census Bureau wants a 22 page “2017 Census of Governments Survey of Local Government, County, Municipal and Township” form completed.
The mayor instructed Sovereign to contact the Northwest Regional Council of Governments to see if any grant monies are available for Pickering to do any type of improvements.
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