At the April 3 Pickering City Council meeting, discussion was held on the upcoming improvements to the Pickering City Park.
The park is across the street from the Pickering Community Building and to the west of the Post Office. Alderman Kevin Leedom has been organizing the endeavor. The main piece is a swing set which is now being ordered from Willy Goat Toys and Playground, Birmingham, AL. The cost is similar to the previous company which had started raising its cost and delaying delivery. Delivery is scheduled for the week of April 10.
After the installation of the swing set, trees are going to be planted. Discussion was held on closing the alley to the north of the park area and behind the Post Office. Also slowing the traffic on West Fifth because of children running between the park and community building and moving the mailboxes located in the alley. The consensus decision was to wait until the swing set has been installed.
Alderman Dale Sharp is moving from Pickering. The council will need to replace him and is looking for someone to take over the two-year position. Residents should contact a current alderman, Mayor Charles Smith or City Clerk Milt Sovereign, if interested.
On street repairs, there is one corner badly washed out around a culvert and under the street at Royal and Fourth Street. Sovereign is estimating eight to 10 loads of gravel at each end of the culvert. The council plans to have Mid-America Road Builders repair some potholes when the company is in the area.
The council was informed that resident Mike Moyer had not shown up for the court date, was later arrested and posted a $200 bond. A new court date has been set in April. Moyer has paid his six month past due water and sewer bill and is once again living in Pickering. Some cleanup has taken place on his property, however, more cars have been moved in.
Discussion was held on the hazard mitigation meeting at the Northwest Missouri Regional Council of Governments. Both the community building and Christian Church are wired for generators. Sovereign plans to apply for grants to get a generator for the sewer plant. The large pumps need to be kept running in sequence to keep the sewer plant operating.
Five sewer pumps were replaced in March, three at one location. All five have been repaired and ready to rotate in as needed.
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