The Parnell Duck Race brought the Parnell community together to celebrate on July 9-10. Among the many activities was the annual parade.
Starting out the parade were the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts from Pack 131, Parnell. The boys representing the scouting organization were Wyatt Craven, Eddie Stephenson, Chase Clabaugh and Chase Atkins.

Parnell honored the American Legion Post 528 as the grand marshals of the parade. Representing the post are sitting: Larry Vance, Raymond Frueh, Jim Waldeier, Richard Jobst; back: Charles Goodson, Doug Keever, Keith Wray and Phillip Auffert.

Waiting to ride along with his dad, Jace Burns sits patiently in one of the fire trucks at the start of the parade. Jace is the son of Jeff and Jennifer Burns.
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