Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker, Bob Stiens and Chris Burns, associate commissioners and Melinda Patton, county clerk.

Burns made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed.  Stiens made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 9/24/2020. The motion passed.

Public Comment:  None.

Accounts Payable:  Checks #77132-77156.

The Commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: Public Service Commission on Evergy Missouri West

Andy Macias, Snyder and Associates, discussed the county bridge status for 2020-2021.  The engineer/consultant’s certifications were signed for Bridge #0455013 and #0672025.  Also signed the engineering service contracts for Bridges #0988007, #0956002, #0727005, #0614022, #0514001 and #086002.

City Manager Greg McDanel, stopped in to talk to the commission about plans for downtown Maryville.  McDanel reviewed the blueprint plans and left a copy for the county.  McDanel also updated the commission on the transition into the new Maryville Public Safety building.

Spoke with MEI Elevator Services to schedule the routine inspections on both elevators.  MEI will coordinate with ESSI State license inspector to get this set up.

Ayhan Batuk, PA program delivery manager for FEMA, called the commission requesting a full bridge report on Bridge #0085006, Project #123424.  A message was left for both Lyn Anderson and Randy Mendenhall, with MoDOT requesting the most recent report.

A resident of Polk Township called with issues on a road near her home.  They were referred to Mark Wilson, Polk Township road supervisor.

At 11 am, sealed H-Pile bids from Husker Steel, The Railroad Yard, Midwest Service and Sales Co., Rock Ridge Steel Co., LLC and Oden Enterprises, Inc. were opened and read aloud.  The commission reviewed the bids and Burns made a motion to accept the bid from Railroad Yard as presented.  Stiens seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  A call was put in to the Railroad Yard to schedule the delivery.  Present during the opening/reading of bids was Russ Placzek of Oden Enterprises.

West Nodaway Superintendent Mitch Barnes, came in to discuss COVID-19 liabilities, rules and opinions regarding schools making students essential.  Also present, Marilyn Jenkins, collector/treasurer.

Burns made a motion to adjourn for lunch.  All in favor.

Tammy Carter updated the commission on FEMA Project #126488 status with FEMA Project 126488.  A request will be made to McClure Engineering for more details on the report they did for FEMA.

Josh McKim came in to answer questions on the request Nodaway County Economic Development and Maryville Chamber put together for CARES Funds.  McKim stated the shop local campaign will be to combat the negative impact and continued destructive nature the coronavirus is having on our local businesses.  The need for more foot traffic to support our county businesses is driving this campaign.  The request for CARES funds will be used for a shop Nodaway County campaign.

A discussion was held with Tammy Carter, human resources director, the road and bridge supervisor pay rate.

Burns made a motion for the commission to adjourn until 10/06/2020.  The motion passed.