Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker, Bob Stiens, Chris Burns, associate commissioners, Melinda Patton, county clerk and South District Commissioner Elect Scott Walk.
Stiens made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Burns made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 11/19/2020. The motion passed.
Public Comment: None
Approved: Accounts Receivable: Checks #77551-77581.
Requisitions: Sheriff to Haug Communications for equipment; to Falls City Mercantile, Graves Food and Hy-Vee Food for inmate food and supplies; Missouri Vocational Enterprises for office supplies.
The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: MEI – receipt for elevator maintenance, completed contract for BRO/softmatch trade, Missouri Department of Natural Resources memo on clean water state.
Ed Walker, road and bridge supervisor discussed various county projects and presented invoices for his department.
A MoDOT Virtual Meeting conference call was held with Jennifer Jarvis and Scott Stephens was conducted. Jarvis stated that she and Jessica Burns plan to inspect do general inspection on 145 of the 298 bridges in December and January. These inspections will begin December 1, 2020.
The commission met with Linda Shelby, Arnold Insurance, regarding existing Aflac policies and how to continue with these as a supplement for employees. The county will continue to offer the payroll deductions for this supplemental insurance. Also present were Marilyn Jenkins, collector/treasurer, Lisa Nickerson, recorder and Tammy Carter, human resources director.
Nickerson, who attended the virtual Missouri Association of Counties (MAC) Legislative Conference on November 23, gave an update on the conference.
Jenkins met with the commission to review the CARES Act Fund applications for phase three of the small business grants that she has received to date.
Jenkins reported that tax collections are up from this time last year. The exterior box has been used consistently and has helped to cut down on the indoor foot traffic.
Stiens made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.
The commission, along with Ed Walker, met with Gary Apple, Evergy, to review power pole locations. Evergy plans to restake the line and get back in touch with the commission.
Burns made a motion for the commission to adjourn until 12/1/2020. November 26th is a holiday.
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