The Northeast Nodaway R-V Board of Education met on April 18 to accept bids.
Phil McIntyre, Ravenwood, was awarded the bid to pour concrete around the new ag shop addition for $2,825.
Arthur White and Associates, Tarkio, was awarded the $4,500 bid to perform an audit. School administration received a verbal agreement that they will receive the audit sooner this year so the school board can review the information before the board meeting.
It was approved to enter into a contract with Incite Designs, Kansas City, the engineer company that was present at the March school board meeting. The company will begin drawing the master layout plan for the track facility for $11,200.
School administration will be discussing the possibility of FFA students farming the small acreage across the ditch from where the new track construction will take place. This would keep the weeds down and give the students experience.
The school approved policy updates in order to stay in compliance. One update states that students may not charge more than $10 for lunches. Once they have reached their limit, the school will provide them a cheese sandwich but they will not be allowed the hot lunch.
Rowdy West was the recipient of the Community Teachers Association scholarship.
It was approved to join the Missouri School Board Association again for the following year.
Superintendent Jeff Mehlenbacher passed out a new school board member informational packet to newly-elected members. He stated it was important for members to leave their personal agendas at home and focus on working together as a team. He urged them to think about what is best for the school regardless of their personal opinions.
Tiffany McGinness was approved to receive a stipend for being the female sponsor on the senior class trip.
Ashley Merrigan was approved to receive a stipend for the extra help she is providing for the track team.
The resignation of Mary Boswell, a part-time para, was accepted.
All extra duty and non-certified staff were approved.
A parent addressed the school board regarding her son’s severe allergies to peanuts and chocolate. There have been high school students threatening him with these foods. The issue was discussed during closed session. Mehlenbacher stated the board would be responding to the parent.
The school board reorganized voting Kenny Runde, president; Jeff Redden, vice president; Darren Adwell, secretary and MSBA delegate; DeAnn Redden, treasurer; Victor West, park board; and Sheldon Scadden will sit as the school’s representative for city council.
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