The North Nodaway R-VI Board of Education met in open and closed sessions on September 21 to take care of the following school district business:
Tim Conn, 6-12 principal, has instituted a new policy providing the board with teachers’ reports for each month of the school year. He feels this will improve the board’s knowledge of what is happening in the building.
James Simmelink, superintendent, had plans to attend the MSBA conference at the end of September. He urged the board members to attend. He stated that the teachers had enjoyed the 275 Conference professional development day held at Northwest Missouri State University.
The Pickering kitchen had everything installed by September 19, including a new water heater. The Nodaway County Health inspector did a routine inspection on September 20.
One of the board members was questioning a pickup in the parking lot that has not been moved. Simmelink said that it needed to be examined who owns the property on which the vehicle sits. If it is private property, the school has no say where the pickup is parked.
The board approved:
• Consent agenda
• Substitute teacher list
• MSBA policy maintenance
• Special Education Local Compliance Plan provided by DESE
• 2016-17 bus routes
• The 2016-17 amended budget
The board moved into closed session to discuss legal matters, personnel and students. The closed session minutes of August 17 were approved.
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