The Nodaway-Holt R-VII Board of Education held a regular meeting July 20 to set the tuition rate and conduct the following business:
Superintendent Jeff Blackford informed board members that it cost the district $11,621 to provide an education for one child for the entire school year. The local tax effort per student is $6,535. The board agreed to set the tuition price in the middle at $9,000. Currently, there are no students paying tuition to attend the school.
The school board received a thank you card from a scholarship recipient.
Blackford reported that 66 percent of district expenses are salaries and benefits; capital projects and purchased services are 10 percent; supplies account for 14 percent.
District revenue is divided as follows: 56 percent is from local taxes; 28 percent, state; eight percent, county; and seven percent, federal government.
Blackford shared that the Edward Dakan Trust donated $917,000 to the district, stating that “his generosity will positively impact Nodaway-Holt’s students now and in the future.”
The roof on the elementary building has a new leak. The roofing company will be back to fix it at no cost due to warranty.
Some discussion was had about replacing the high school dishwasher in the upcoming year.
July 25 was the school audit.
New staff orientation will be Wednesday, August 2.
The board agreed to change policy, allowing for a consent agenda at board meetings. Blackford stated this will allow meetings to flow more efficiently and that the board may pull out any item to discuss it separately.
The tax levy hearing will be held directly before the 6 pm, Monday, August 21, school board meeting.
The board approved a contract with Falls City Mercantile for milk and bread, which is the company that provided the service last year.
There was an executive session held to discuss personnel. No action was taken.
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