The Ministry Center’s closing closet founder Juanita English and her husband, George, sit on the bench that was dedicated to them by The Ministry Center board members on December 18. Board member Kelli Holman stated, “We wanted to honor them for their more than 30 years of very devoted, very selfless dedication to The Ministry Center and the residents that we serve.” Juanita first opened the clothing closet years ago in a room of a house by the First Baptist Church, Maryville, and was one of the original members on the steering committee more than 20 years ago.

Right: Those present at the dedication were, front: Charlotte Dunn, Kristy Giermann, Deb Srumb, Juanita English, George English, Carol Heller; middle: Sharon Shain, Carolyn Roush, Jonathan Mitchell, Merlin Atkins, Alice Keller, Kay Atkins, Rod Shain; back: Jan Corley, Ron Heller, Dave Oddi, Kelli Holman, Dorothy Schafer and Liz Mandrick.
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