The annual Memorial Day ceremony will be held at 11 am, Monday, May 27 at the American Legion Post 100 Hall, 1104 East Fifth Street, Maryville.
Members of Post 100 will conduct the ceremony starting with Commander David Dredge doing the welcome. The posting of the colors will be done by the honor guard under Commander Amos Clampit.
Placement of the memorial wreath will be by Georgia Sheridan and Esther Coffelt, legion auxiliary. The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by Dredge. The “Star Spangled Banner” will be led by Monica Conover and accompanied by Anita Dew. The invocation will be given by Tim Conover. Dredge will introduce guest speaker Roger Florea of the American Legion Post 288, Hopkins.
Florea is a Hopkins native. He and his wife of 55 years, Sue, still live in Hopkins. He is a North Nodaway High School graduate and served in the US Army from 1967-69 and was a Purple Heart Recipient.
Florea received a business degree from Northwest Missouri State University and worked in the banking industry with an emphasis on loans until his retirement. He is a long-time member of the Glen Ulmer American Legion Post 288 in Hopkins. The Floreas have three children and eight grandchildren.
POW/MIA remembrance will be by Joyce Stark, post finance officer.
Monica Conover and Dew will provide music recognizing the service branches. Bob Bohlken and Larry Auffert will give the remembrance of veterans who have died in the past year.
Benediction will be given by Tim Conover, followed by the retirement of the colors. The 21-gun salute conducted by the firing squad will be conducted outdoors under the direction of Clampit with “Taps” being played.
Afterward, the traditional ham and bean lunch will be served at the legion.
The week before Memorial Day, AL Post 288, Hopkins continues the tradition of the avenue of the flags that line the Hopkins Cemetery and the AL Auxiliary will put US flags on each veterans’ grave. Last year the auxiliary placed over 400 flags.
The Graham Community Betterment Association will sponsor the annual Memorial Day Luncheon from 11 am to 1 pm, Sunday, May 26 at the Graham Community Building. Costs are $12 for adults, $5 for children under the age of 10.
On Sunday, May 26 area American Legion Posts will conduct the following tributes at Nodaway County cemeteries:
Rolla Dicks AL: 1 pm, Ohio, Burlington Jct., Memorial Day address by Rolla Dicks Post 315 Commander Justin Plymell followed by Post 315’s Rifle Team ceremony.
Parnell AL Post 528: 2 pm, Parnell; 2:30 pm, Oxford; 2:45 pm, Seven Dolars; 3 pm, Grantham; 3:15 pm, Oak Lawn, Ravenwood; 3:30 pm, Orrsburg; 3:45 pm, Gaynor.
Tri-C AL Post 464: 9:30 am, St. Columba, Conception Jct.; 10 am, Swinford, Bedison; 10:30 am, Barnard; 10:50 am, Weathermon, Guilford; 11 am, Graves, Guilford; 11:30 am, High Ridge, Stanberry; 11:40 am, Mount Calvary, Stanberry; 12:15 pm, Oak Lawn, Ravenwood; 12:30 pm, Parnell; 1:15 pm, Nodaway Memorial Gardens, Maryville; 1:30 pm, Oak Hill, Maryville; 1:45 pm, Nodaway County Courthouse; 2 pm, St. Mary’s, Miriam, Maryville; 2:15 pm, St. Patrick’s, Maryville.
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