By Kathryn Rice

Lori Harr Sheehan, Bird Island, MN, received the Ambassador of Goodwill award at the Lions Club International convention held in Montreal, Canada, the end of June.

Sheehan, a Maryville High School graduate, is the daughter of Dr. Pat and Teri Harr, Maryville. She is married to Brian Sheehan who is beginning his year, July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023, as international president for Lions after having served as vice president for three years.

Lions International has presented 40 Ambassador of Goodwill awards worldwide for approximately 50 years. “The recipients of these awards have rendered distinguished and unselfish service to the association in the fulfillment of its world-wide mission for the relief of human suffering, the improvement of human living, and the advancement of human understanding and good will among the peoples of the world.”

“As a gym owner and trainer, I work hard to help people develop and maintain healthy lifestyles,” said Sheehan. “My focus for my year as First Lady, is my Lions in Motion program. I’m working with members around the world, encouraging them to develop fundraisers that involve walking, running, golfing, biking, etc. Anything that gets their members moving and having fun.

“Diabetes is one of our avenues of service, so Lions providing diabetes education and screenings is encouraged at these events. The fundraisers are for Lions Clubs International Foundation, which is our financial arm of the association. The foundation has awarded over $1 Billion to club projects, disaster relief funds, childhood cancer projects, vision, hunger relief programs and more.

“Most recently, our foundation has provided relief funds for refugees and displaced persons. We are actively working to help the people of Ukraine and bordering countries, with medical supplies, housing, transportation, food, etc.”

The Sheehans, while serving as international president and first lady, will spend this year traveling and away from home for all but six days.

Lori Sheehan said, “We have Lions in over 200 countries, so we visit with as many as we can, visiting projects they have developed in their communities and attending official events with our global partners.

“While the job will have us meeting Pope Francis, presidents and other dignitaries, our favorite part is just meeting with our grassroots Lions and seeing the amazing things they are doing in our communities. They are making a huge impact worldwide, and don’t always get to see the end result if it’s outside their communities.  I work hard to showcase the projects we see, on our social media accounts.

“I think it’s important that Lions know the difference they are making for so many people,” she said. “The need for humanitarian assistance is greater than ever, and continuously growing. I love that we are all volunteers, allowing 100 percent of donations made, going to these important projects.”

“The things we see are sometimes very difficult. We’ve delivered food in the slums of Kolkata, India and Nairobi, Kenya. It’s absolutely heartbreaking to see that depth of poverty.  We met with members in Belgium who opened their homes to Ukrainian refugees. Hearing their horrific escape experience, firsthand, was very difficult. We’ve seen homes lost and towns destroyed by tornadoes, floods and hurricanes.  I’m just grateful to know our Lions have boots on the ground and are working to provide help however they can.

“We’ll continue to run our businesses, remotely, while traveling,” she said. “After this year, Brian will serve as the foundation chairperson for one year and will involve another busy year of travel.”