Maryville City Council discussed issuing certificates of participation (COP) during its regular meeting on December 12.
City staff worked with Gilmore & Bell attorneys and Piper Jaffray Financial Advisors staff and will issue COPs to finance conference center construction at Mozingo Lake Recreation Park. The debt will also include the water meter replacement project and some 2017 capital projects. Staff hopes that by combining these projects into one debt, they will receive a more competitive COP sale. The plan to repay the debt is to use a portion of the one-eighth cent tax that passed on the April 5, 2016, ballot.
The $36,950 2007 Sterling Acterra diesel dump truck, purchased from Shreve Truck and Equipment Sales, Barnsdall, OK, had 193,000 miles and came in under budget. Previously, the sewer and water department had shared a truck. Staff hopes the additional truck will alleviate scheduling conflicts.
The council approved Jeremy Baumli and Deirdre Dino, Encryption owners, for a liquor license.
The City of Maryville entered a maintenance agreement with MoDOT for the new slip ramp onto Highway 71 by Kawasaki. The city will maintain the roadway, including snow removal.
Council members approved entering into a road relinquishment agreement with MoDOT for the stretch of road from Highway V to the Highway 71 bypass and a small section of 285th Street, giving the city ownership of the property.
The city purchased a $10,041.07 electric control panel from Allied Systems, Inc., Des Moines, IA, for the Highway 46 lift station, located at the northeast corner of Highway 46 and Country Club. The current panel had been repaired after being struck by lightning twice, but needed to be updated.
The council approved replacing the 16-year-old programmable logic controller on the Water Treatment Plant kruger. The kruger is critical in treating water and vital to extending the life of the membranes. It quit working this fall and was temporarily repaired. It has recently glitched, but is functioning. The necessary $9,929.95 repair part was purchased from I. Kruger, Inc., Cary, NC.
Mozingo will begin its $75,000 riprap project. Norris Quarries Gooden, Ravenwood, was awarded the bid for riprap and hauling services and have agreed to deliver on an as-needed basis. They have previously provided these services and city officials were happy with their work. Staff estimates the funds will provide 3,000 tons of riprap. They will also use concrete pieces from the Northwest Missouri Regional Airport resurfacing project as riprap.
City Manager Greg McDanel and Assistant City Manager Ryan Heiland reported the following:
•J&L Heating and Cooling, Maryville, was awarded the $2,700 bid for a new city hall basement furnace.
•A citizen reported an unsafe wall at 124 West Third Street on November 2. The building was inspected, declared dangerous and evacuated the same day. It was determined that an interior wall was failing, applying pressure to the outside wall. There is also a basement issue that needs to be repaired which will take seven to 10 days. After the basement is repaired, work can begin on the interior wall and then the exterior wall. The property owner has remained compliant.
•Northwest Missouri Regional Airport will be launching a new website.
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