The Maryville School board of education met February 20 to address the following business:
• Approved the consent agenda which included $18,953,023.37 as the balance of all funds as of January 31, 2019, and the food service reports.
• Superintendent Dr. Becky Albrecht reviewed the late starts, early outs and snow days so far and the final calendar will be approved in a future meeting.
• Adopted the 2019-20 calendar by accepting 169 days with 1,044 hours for students. Graduation will be on May 17, 2020.
• After a short presentation by Randy Arnold concerning the district’s health insurance with a zero rate increase and no benefit changes, the board approved. He has handled the school’s employee health insurance for 11 years.
• Authorized policy revisions dealing with student acceleration promotion and retention, plus criminal background checking procedures.
• Approved to add a full-time paraprofessional to substitute throughout the district.
• Approved the Maryville Early Childhood Center tuition to raise the 2019-20 annual fee to $3,375 up from $3,345, which is the first increase in four years.
In closed session, the board approved the following personnel changes including the substitute teaching list.
Resignations: Kody Koster, 2018/19 wrestling head coach at high school, effective February 20; Sherry Hall, 2018/19 high school paraprofessional, effective February 15; Delaney Steeby, 2018/19 youth development worker, effective February 19; Jennifer Brown, 2018/19 elementary school nurse, effective May 24; Nathan Powell, 2018/19 high school PE teacher, high school boys/girls track head coach and high school football defensive coordinator effective at the end of the 2018/19 school year; Trey Allen, 2018/19 high school cheerleader head coach, effective at the end of the 2018/19 school year; and Kendle Luke, 2018/19 second grade teacher at elementary school, effective at the end of the 2018/19 school year.
Recommendations for employment: Makayla Lambright, 2018/19 youth development worker effective February 21; Miranda Foster, 2018/19 high school paraprofessional effective February 25; Korena Sundell, 2018/19 high school paraprofessional, effective February 28; Kendall Miller, 2019/20 district speech language pathologist; Allie Shields, 2019/20 elementary classroom teacher; Jamie Ball, 2019/20 7th grade social studies teacher at middle school; Michael Brown, 2019/20 speech teacher and speech/debate head coach at high school; and Chase Tolson, 2019/20 high school math teacher.
The following administrators were given extensions on their contracts: Thom Alvarez, high school; Jeremy Ingraham, tech school; Kevin Pitts, middle school; Philip Pohren, elementary school; Michelle McCollum, early childhood center; Craig Borey, high school; Kate Lydon, middle school; Kim Walker, elementary school; plus Student Services Director Katie Neubauer, Student Services Assistant Director Brian Lynn and Assistant Superintendent Steve Klotz.
Bing Boetner presented the CTA report.
Albrecht shared the February professional development will have as topics: Missouri Model work, curriculum work and collaboration.
Klotz told of the possible agreement with the eRate project and the district-wide proposed upgrade in the next 12 months. Based on the district’s free and reduced lunch count, the district will receive a 70 percent discount.
Neubauer reported she and Mindy Scadden have worked on the funding options on the proportionate share for private/parochial services and the MO HealthNet reimbursement.
Pohren spoke about this year’s first time midterm conferences which are similar to the middle school.
Pitts announced the Optimist Oratory Contest winner was Lucy Parson and the Nodaway County Spelling Bee saw Raymond Zhao take first for the second year in a row.
Alvarez spoke of Cayren Barnett earning the Gold Key distinction in the state’s Scholastic Arts and Writing and will advance to nationals contest, two robotics teams qualified for state and Jack Ratliff has earned scholarships with his oratory in two contests.
Ingraham gave the results of the Skills USA competitions with 30 medals earned and more coming later this week. He also told a story of a former auto tech student who was hearing impaired and is now employed. The 2019-20 building trades project will be brought before the board of education at the next meeting.
McCollum reported 37 registered students and four practicum students. Parents as teachers had contact with the parents of 30 newborns.
Activities Director Mat Beu announced spring sports practices will begin February 25.
Maintenance and custodial reported the new web-based programmable thermostats at the multipurpose building saved $725 for the first month and about adding rails to the steps at stadium.
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