
After three and a half years, Lettuce Dream became a reality at its ribbon cutting on November 3. Diane Francis, board president, cuts the ribbon as Sherri Kinsella, advisory board, and Wayne Pierson, board vice president, hold the ribbon.

The wholesale greenhouses, located on Maryville’s east side, are growing lettuce hydroponically which is being sold to the public through Maryville Hy-Vee, used at Kawasaki and delivered to St. Joseph. No herbicides or pesticides are used on the crop. All nutrients reach the lettuce through continuously recycled water. The lettuce matures in six to seven weeks.

Volunteers are being sought for the site which will be a training facility for individuals with developmental disabilities. For an application, contact Jackie Allenbrand, director, at 660.254.2203 or support@lettucedream.org.