North District Commissioner Chris Burns called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Burns and Scott Walk, associate commissioner and Melinda Patton, county clerk.
Walk made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Walk made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 7/26/22. The motion passed.
Public comment: None.
Accounts payable: None paid.
Requisitions: Road and bridge to Gray Oil for fuel; assessor to Tan-Tar-A for training.
The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: New hire letters from Sheriff’s Department; re: P3 Broadband.
Kim Ireland with Tiffany Care Centers, met with the commission to discuss the selling/transition process to Blue Sky Basin. Ireland stated they hope to complete the transition between September 1 – November 1. A formal letter will be sent to the county at a later date.
Deann Davison, City of Maryville director of tourism and executive director for Downtown Maryville, stopped in to review some of the campaigns she is currently working on. Items include downtown cleanup, window displays, Christmas lighting and activities, retail booth space, and fundraisers like Art, Rhythm and Brews, September 6 and Glitz and Glam, October 6. City of Maryville tourism is working on updating their website and brochures.
The commission, along with Brian Engle, road and bridge supervisor, inspected Bridge #522 and # 522 in Green Township; a tube on Road #595 in Polk Township; Road #886, a cement boxcar on Road #891, a tank car on Road #790 in Hughes Township.
Walk made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.
Burns made a motion to adjourn until 8/2/2022.
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