North District Commissioner Chris Burns called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Burns, Scott Walk, associate commissioner, and Melinda Patton, county clerk.

Burns made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Walk made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 7/22/2021. The motion passed.

Public comment: None.

Accounts payable: Checks #78970-78975.

Approved: Invoice to MTE for time block; 911 statement of revenues/expenses.

Requisitions: Sheriff to Fastenal for supplies; to MTE for equipment; Road and Bridge to Gray Oil for fuel; to Strueby Diesel, LLC for repairs; treatment court to Jones Law Firm for legal services.

The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: vehicle sales tax/motor fuel tax report.

The commission, along with Ed Walker, road and bridge supervisor, put in a call to Andy Macias at Snyder and Associates regarding the advertisements in the Nodaway News Leader on Bridge # 0614022 and # 0514001. Macias discussed the status of BRO-B074(62). The commission updated Macias on the FEMA denial letter Bridge #085006.

Marilyn Jenkins, collector/treasurer, discussed treatment court expenses to be paid.

Kim Mildward, Northwest Regional Council of Governments, met with the commission, along with Jenkins, on the status of the historical preservation grant for the Courthouse.

Patton reported that the date of the county hearing to set tax rates will be held at 9 am, August 17 in the office of the county commission.

Sheriff Randy Strong came in to discuss two employees that will be going to the academy August through December. Neither employee takes health insurance through the county, however the county will continue to pay its portion of benefit costs. Strong discussed the situation his office is currently dealing with. Strong also did a follow-up discussion from a personnel issue discussion on June 8, 2021. Strong reported back to the commission the funds he will use for an employee/county debt.

A Jefferson Township resident came in to discuss a zoning and construction issue.

The commission looked at a toilet in the first floor women’s restroom at the Courthouse.

Burns made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.

The commission met with a representative of IAMO Telephone regarding moving a line in Atchison Township so the bridge crew can work on Bridge #086002.

The Commission inspected Bridge #316 in Nodaway Township.

Walk made a motion for the commission to adjourn until 7/29/2021.