At the June 3 Hopkins City Council meeting, the aldermen decided to sell the city pickup which needs repairs including the transmission up for silent bids.
Chief Operator Chris Bird had someone approach him about purchasing the pickup. Bids will be taken until Friday, June 28. Bird wants to keep working the dump truck to move rip-wrap at the city lagoon.
O’Tax representative Sue Wagner reported on the work O’Tax, Hopkins, has undertaken to repair the city financial records. The firm submitted an invoice for 87.5 hours of work for $4,375. It was approved to pay 80 percent from the general fund and 20 percent from the water, sewer and trash fund.
Bird requested the breakdown as there are two bills from Maguire Iron, Sioux Falls, SD, which will need to be taken from the water fund. This month the annual clear well fee of $8,951.91 was paid. Next month, Bird is expecting approximately $30,000 bill on the annual tower cleaning/painting contract. This billing will reflect the inside repainting of the water tower which has been spread out over the life of the contract.
Dee O’Riley, O’Tax owner, has found the fourth quarter employment taxes had not been filed. This has resulted in $200 in fines for the city. O‘Riley is recreating the treasurer’s book for January 2024 along with the 2023 payroll accounts.
Liquor licenses were approved for Ricks Country Shoppe and M&M Pub and Grub.
Alderman Alan Thompson questioned why the city mower was being used to mow Kelly Morrison’s pasture. Bird said he traded the service with Morrison to borrow his tractor for city work. Thompson was not happy but no actions were taken.
A complaint from a resident on the alarm going off in the sewer pump well was addressed. Bird said the power was being cut to the pump which allowed the well to fill and the alarm to go off. The resident is contacting Alderman Rick Gladman instead of Bird. By the time Bird checks on the sewer pump, the well has been pumped empty. Bird plans to put a new box under the meter to prevent the power being cut.
Ten CDs were due May 25. Wagner had not checked with the bank on current CD rates. The aldermen agreed to roll over into the best rate available.
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