Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker, Chris Burns and Scott Walk, associate commissioners and Lorraine O’Donnell, part-time clerk.

Walk made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Burns made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 6/6/24. The motion passed.

Approved: Invoices to Snyder & Associates; liquor license for Emery Convenience Store; April and May payments for 911 Consolidation.

Requisitions: Sheriff to Fastcase, Inc. for software; to 911 Customs for vehicle equipment; road and bridge to Strueby Diesel for vehicle repairs.

The Commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: Sunshine request response to FOIAA Buddy; Certificate of Liability Insurance from Loch Sand and Construction, Co.

Reviewed an email from Lindsey Chaffin, Great River Engineering, regarding a proposed softmatch trade with Holt County. The trade would pay the county 60¢ cash for one dollar softmatch. The commission signed the agreement and returned to Chaffin via email. Also in the email was a forecasted project funding breakdown for upcoming projects.

Reviewed a proposal sent by MTS Contracting, Inc. for exterior masonry repairs to the Courthouse.

Spoke with Marty From, Jefferson Township Board Member, regarding Road #695. The commission will look at the road and follow up with From.

The commission, along with Engle inspected Bridge #0261006 and Bridge #0276004 and a tube on Road #289 all in Union Township; a tube on Road #127 and a tube on Road #125 in Hopkins Township and a tube on Road #63 and inspected an intersection on Road #95 in Atchison Township.

A presentation of a $10,000 check was made to the Northwest Communities Care organization from the Opioid Settlement Funds. Those present: Teri Harr, Jamie Baker, Suzanne VonBehren, Bridget Kenny all with Northwest Communities Care, Captain Austin Hann, Nodaway County Sheriff’s Department, Marilyn Jenkins, collector/treasurer, Ryan Milke, Mosaic Life Care and Kay Wilson, Nodaway News Leader.

Burns made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.

Walker and Walk Road #696, #695 and #694 all in Jefferson Township. A call was put in to From to let him know an amended proceed order will be sent to the quarry. Road #730 in Grant Township was also inspected.

A call was put in to Jim Farnan, trustee of Grant Township, to confirm Road #716 is on MoDOT’s CART road list.

Burns made a motion to adjourn until 6/11/2024.