The Nodaway County Health Center board voted to refuse all bids received for the health center’s lift project at the August 23 meeting.
With information from the architect, the board had estimated the cost of installing a lift to make the second story of the structure accessible and ADA compliant to be $40,000 to $50,000. Three bids were received ranging from $90,949 to $98,980.
The City of Maryville is planning to demolish the Mozingo Lake Golf Course clubhouse in October. The clubhouse has a lift that the city will donate to the health center. The board will officially approach the city council about acquiring the lift in September.
In the meantime, Administrator Tom Patterson has contacted Creal Clark & Seifert Architects Engineers, Inc., about redoing the bid proposal. The donated lift shouldn’t need as much construction, which should lower the cost of installation. The board is hoping that the project can be completed for the original $40,000 to 50,000 estimate.
The health center board set the proposed tax rate for 2018 at 5¢ per $100 assessed valuation. This has been the same rate since 1974. Assessed valuation for Nodaway County dropped one percent from 2016, which will mean a drop in revenue for the center.
Patterson gave board members the initial actuarial valuation for Nodaway County Health Center as of June 30, 2017, from the Missouri Local Government Employees Retirement System (LAGERS) for review. This is available for public review for 45 days by contacting Patterson at the Nodaway County Health Center, 2416 South Main Street, Maryville, or calling 660.562.2755. The board is looking at LAGERS for eligible health center employees.
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