A blood drive will be held from 2 to 6:30 pm, Thursday, October 14 in honor of Gordon Wiederholt at the Ravenwood Community Building, 114 West Hawk Street.

Gordon, who just turned four years old, was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). One in 4,344 children are born with HLHS, while one in 100 children are born with some type of congenital heart defect, his mother explained.

Gordon has just had his third open heart surgery and underwent a heart catheterization October 5. Before each of the small procedures are performed, his parents must sign a form allowing a blood transfusion if necessary. He has required multiple blood transfusions.

He is the son of Cassie and Adam Wiederholt, Ravenwood. He has a younger sister named Jocelyn. The Give for Gordon blood drive is the family’s way of giving back and honoring his continuous fighting spirit. The blood donations will provide the same opportunity for other’s loved ones to thrive.

There is also a local toy drive for the playroom in Children’s Mercy Hospital’s fourth floor Sutherland Tower, Kansas City. Gordon has picked out items that can be shipped to the Wiederholt home or dropped by the blood drive. The link is amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/39KAZNYF85N8I?ref_=wl_share. Blood donation is not required to donate a toy.

Appointments are preferred for blood donation. Masks are required for all donors regardless of vaccination status.

For more information or to book an appointment, visit esavealifenow.org, enter group code: EH5J or contact Cassie Wiederholt at 660.853.1792 or cassie5gilland@hotmail.com. For medical eligibility questions, call 800.688.0900.

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