With the recent resignation of Nodaway County Senior Citizens Senate board president Bob Cooper, board member Carolyn Franks stepped into the presidential position for the Nodaway County Senior Center at the December 18 meeting.
The board discussed finding an individual to fill the empty position.
Board member Teresa Hayes offered to work on the senior center’s Facebook page to try to get information posted more timely. Board Member Ray Courter, along with Administrator Amie Firavich, attended a Google® presentation for small business. He would like to see the senior center utilizing some of the tips to make it more internet savvy.
First Choice Heating and Air Conditioning informed Firavich one of the five furnaces used to heat the building will need to be replaced. The Lenox furnace is 32 years old and the part needed for repair is no longer made or in stock.
First Choice gave estimates on two different replacement units. The board decided to look at bids from different HVAC companies in town and have the companies evaluate the whole heating and air conditioning system. In the meantime, the board will purchase a safe space heater to heat the meeting room.
The board suggested listing the price of the meals at $7 with a senior discounted price of $5 along with “everyone is welcome”on a sign. To-go meals are also available. The consensus was this might bring in a more diverse lunch crowd.
By consensus, the board eliminated a policy that people under the age of 60 could not participate in games and activities.
Courter also contacted Northwest Missouri Area Agency on Aging CEO Michael Stopka about the progress being made on contract agreements to provide direct services. Because of upcoming dates for RFPs, the senior center is wanting feedback in January or February, so the board can determine which way to progress.
The board decided to have a John Lager day to be held in February. The date will be determined and more information will be released. Lager has cleared snow for the senior center parking lot for 32 years at no charge. Firavich and the board had not realized how much Lager had donated in services until they tried to contract someone to take up the task.
The board approved the following policies and procedures: goals, confidentiality policy, recruitment policy, hiring policy, alcohol and drugs, deny services policy, gratuities, waiting list policy, evaluation areas for programs and operations, center evaluations and measurements, fiscal management plan, financial monitoring, use of tickets and punch cards policy, multipurpose guidelines, political activities policy, selling and soliciting policy and code of conduct policy.
Discussion was held on the Thanksgiving meal fundraiser held by the senior center. Firavich reported 200 people ate at the center and 100 meals were delivered. The event took in $2,962.84. Firavich didn’t use this information in the November meal counts.
Courter said the senior center should capitalize on the originality of the Thanksgiving fundraiser and build on the event in the future.
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