Eugene Field students are getting fit and healthy during the GoFit afterschool program.
In its fourth year, the GoFit program has 60 students participating, double the amount from last year. Staff members said the goal is to get children to exercise and create friendships through fun, healthy competition.
The club meets twice a week for eight weeks. Participants always begin with stretching and then either go through strength training stations or have recess.
This year, staff has added a pedometer challenge. Each grade received a pedometer and compete to gain the most steps. Students share the pedometer during activities, switching every few minutes to allow for a cumulative effort in achieving steps. At the end of the club’s activities, the class with the most steps wins a Spoofy charm.
“The pedometer has been a win,” Program Director Erika Jeter said. “They watch to see their steps go up. The kids are really proud of their charms.”
Jeter said she has seen several students purchase their own personal pedometers to wear throughout the day, which has encouraged them to be active all day. Some students have started running in place while standing in line in order to see their steps increase.
“It has been really cool to see the numbers grow and to see the kids being excited,” Jeter said. “Hopefully we are creating lifelong fitness habits.”
The fall GoFit session ended with a one-mile Turkey Trot and family night on November 10.
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