Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Bill Walker, Stiens, Burns and Patton.
Stiens made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Burns made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 12/15/2020. The motion passed.
Public Comment: None
Approved: 2021 Holiday Schedule
Requisitions: Sheriff to Falls City Mercantile, Graves Food and Hy-Vee for inmate food and supplies.
The commission reviewed the following information received by mail or email: Courthouse elevator certificate issued by Missouri Department of Public Safety and Extension Council expense report November 2020.
Andy Abbott, MTE, discussed an issue he had in installing the exterior camera at the front door and presented an option for still making this happen. Abbott obtained permission for his work-around and will continue to work on the installation.
Tom Patterson, Nodaway County Health administrator, along with Marlin Kinman, county health board member, introduced Bridget Kenny, Mosaic Community Outreach Director to the commission as a possible health board candidate. Stiens made a motion to appoint Kenny to one of the open seats. All were in favor. The commissioners also discussed the second open board seat. Debra Hull had expressed an interest to the commission, in serving on the board. After discussion, Burns made a motion to appoint Hull to the second open seat. All were in favor. Both appointees may serve until the next April Municipal Election, April 6, 2021, at which time they will be replaced, if not voted in by the people, by the person with the most votes. Those voted in will serve the remaining portion of the term, which in this case will be three years.
Patterson and Kenny also gave the commission updates on COVID-19 numbers and where Nodaway County is at in the vaccine process.
The commission reviewed applications from taxing entities for CARES Act funds. Marilyn Jenkins, collector-treasurer, was on hand to answer questions.
Jenkins discussed the process she is in for the 911 tax billings and paying the City of Maryville from these tax funds. Jenkins also gave updates on tax collections to date.
Stiens made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.
The commission reviewed the advertisement and Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) for replacement of Bridge #0411018 in Jackson Township as a part of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. The PER will be available for review in the office of the County Clerk from 9 am to 3 pm from now until January 4, 2021.
The commission met with Ed Walker, road and bridge supervisor, to continue discussion on FY2021 budget requests. Several other budgets were reviewed and approved.
Burns made a motion for the commission to adjourn until 12/22/2020.
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