Presiding Commissioner Bill Walker called the meeting of the Nodaway County Commission to order at the commissioner’s office. In attendance: Walker and Scott Walk, associate commissioner and Melinda Patton, county clerk.

Walk made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed. Walk made a motion to approve prior commission minutes dated 9/12/23. The motion passed.Approved: Invoices to Snyder & Associates.

Checks: #83125-83146

Requisitions: Road and bridge to Premier Truck Group of Kansas City for equipment purchase from ARPA funds, sheriff to Hy-Vee and Falls City Mercantile for inmate food and supplies for October 2023, road and bridge to Great River Engineering for bridge.

The commission reviewed the following information: Road and bridge fuel and equipment report, tuck pointing information from the Maryville Public Library, email from Logisticus Group on Conception Wind Energy project upgrade.

Larry Jacobson, Snyder and Associates, presented the commission with LPA services invoice #3 for TAP-9900 (144) and a compliance certification from the Army Corps of Engineers (NWK-2023-00181) for Bridge #0805000.

Joy Huddleston and Kim Mildward, NWMO Regional Council of Governments, met with the commission to discuss the Affordable Connectivity Program.

Reviewed township CART rock delivery status and discussed roads for new and reconstruction. Road #652 in Jackson Township was approved and a proceed order for rock was sent. Discussed Roads #429, #650 and #646 with Mark Rush, Jackson Township maintenance operator.

Sherri Kinsella accepted reappointment for a three-year term to the Mental Health Board.

Reviewed cost for additional conference room chairs. No decision made.

Inspected and approved for rock on Rd #693 N end, #695 E end Jefferson Township; Rd #946, 951 Grant Township. Commission contacted the township trustees for approval. Bridge #1013, #972 Washington Township and Road #730 drainage issue Grant Township were also inspected.

Walk made a motion to adjourn for lunch. All in favor.

Reviewed and signed LPA Progress Invoice #6 for BRO-R074(63.)

Andy Abbott, MTE, gave an update on the firewall for the county.

Cheyenne Murphy, Northwest Missouri Regional Council of Government, spoke with the commission on jail grant.

Walker made a motion to adjourn until 9/19/2023.